
huoguang2024-09-23 02:33541 阅读33 赞

婚姻生活为什么用married life 而不用marriage life?

marriage:名词 n.1.结婚,婚姻[U][C]We have just heard of his marriage to an heiress.我们刚刚听说他与一位女继承人结了婚.2.婚姻生活[U][(+with)]3.结婚典礼[C]The marriage will take place in May.婚礼将于五月举行.4.紧密结合[C]The marriage of words and melody in that song 。


The holy estate of matrimony这怎么翻译 Matrimony婚姻

matrimony [英][ˈmætrɪməni][美][ˈmætrɪmoʊni]n.结婚,婚姻生活;相关单词:Matrimony 例句 1、For anybody weak or insecure, matrimony offered a safe haven: a brand new identity supplied by the spouse.对于那些脆弱和缺乏安全感的人来。



think:想; 以为; 思索; 看待; 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆; 深思的; 供思考的; 想法 marriage:结婚; 婚姻生活; 密切结合; 合并 free:免费的; 自由的; 免税的; 空闲的; 释放; 免除; 使自由; 解救 我认为 英文:in my submission; to my way of thinking 婚姻 英文:marriage; matrimony; w。


be married to和get married with 有什么区别

首先提出问题中存在的一个疑点,在英文中marry有嫁、娶的意思,一般来说结婚,应该用“get married to”而不是“get married with”(不符合语法)。可能是题主写问题的时候不小心把“to”打成了“with”。下面我们一起来分别了解一下“be married to”和“get married to”的具体含义,以及题目中的。




问题三:幸福翻译成英语怎么翻译啊 1. happiness 2. blessed 3. happy Relative explainations:Examples:1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。I wish you a very happy future.2. 金钱买不来幸福。Money can't buy happiness.3. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。His marriage is full of happiness.4. 中国老百姓。


i can not say anything if you have to treat the marriage as the tomb of love. never overestimate marriage in the emotion of love and never make the love sad by the trivials in the marriage. love ,can live in our spiritual world forever and makes our heart lost just like w。

英文翻译 谢谢啦!!要自己翻译的~ 即使很多时候婚姻会束缚我们的生活。

even sometimes marriage will bind our life , but marriage is also such important .


As you happily look forward to all you're dreaming of, may you be blessed with love and happiness forever! (翻译)爱情是两个人共同的梦想,而婚姻则让梦想的快乐变为现实。愿婚姻生活达成你们的梦想。祝贺你们!正如你们快乐的期盼你们所有的梦想那样,愿欢乐和幸福永远于你们同在!


1. 有关marry(结婚)的英语短语 marry somebody=get/be married to somebody 和某人结婚(可灵活翻译为娶、嫁)marry A to B 表示父母等长辈把A许配给B或者为B娶A作媳妇.marry into。 (通过结婚)进入。例:She's been eager to marry into a wealthy family. 她一直渴望嫁入豪门.关于marry、marriage的相关俚语。


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