
huoguang2024-09-30 00:31336 阅读30 赞


什么是幸福婚姻的关键英语为“the key to a hapy mariage”,直译为“幸福婚姻的关键”。幸福婚姻是一个复杂的问题,不同的人有不同的标准。但是,有三个因素对婚姻的成功起着至关重要的作用。第一,婚姻是否幸福,取决于夫妻双方是否有共同的人生目标。第二,婚姻是否幸福,还取决于夫妻双方是否有共。



12、合法的婚姻以双方之合意为要件,不因同居之事实而成立。 Legitimate marriage is based on the agreement of the o parties, not on the fact of cohabitation. 13、没有问题的婚姻就像从来不生病的人,世上就没有这样的人。 A problem



33、爱情没有规则,也不应该有条件。 Love has no rules and no conditions. 34、家庭关系建立在婚姻之上,婚姻则植根于两性间天然的相辅相成或互相联系之上。 Family relationships are based on marriage, and marriage is rooted in a natural complement or connection bete trifle, and others, are considered,。



13、婚姻实质上是伦理关系。婚姻是具有法定意义的伦理性的爱。 Marriage is essentially ethical relationship. Marriage is a legal and ethical love. 14、哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就有不结婚的爱情。 Where there is marriage without love, there is no love for marriage. 15、淑女的眼睛是爱情的灿烂的明星。


50、婚姻不是爱情的结合,而是条件的加减乘除。 With the marriage is not love, but the add, subtract, multiply and pide. 51、对爱情不必勉强,对婚姻则要负责。 Love does not have to be reluctant to be in charge of marriage. 52、夫妻者,有骨肉之恩也,爱则亲,不爱则疏。 Husband and wife, hav。


The family is the cell of society, while the marriage and the family constitute the basic elements. China's adjustment of marital relationship "Marriage Law" provides for freedom of marriage, monogamy in marriage, and the legal age of marriage and the prohibition of the conditions of。

你认为什么是婚姻中最重要的因素? 求这个为题的英语对话

Yimou:There is a saying that no love can last for more than seven years. I think love may last a little bit longer than seven years, maybe ten or slightly more.Ziyi: Do you mean everyone needs marry three or four times to keep his or her enjoyable love?Yimou:That is 。

be married to的同义词是什么?

一、语义含义 “be married to”强调的是婚姻关系本身,即两个人之间建立了婚姻关系。“be married with”则更强调婚姻所带来的物质或物质上的联系,例如财产、家庭等。例如:They were married to each other in a ceremony attended by family and friends. (他们在家人和朋友的见证下举行了婚礼,。


37、婚姻不是爱情的结合,而是条件的加减乘除。Marriage is not the union of love, but the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of conditions.38、婚姻是爱情的坟墓,婚姻是自由的枷锁。Marriage is the grave of love, and marriage is the shackle of freedom.39、只追求容貌的婚姻。


FIT,英语动词、形容词、名词。动词意思是安装;合身;(使)适合。形容词意思是合适的;恰当的;合身的;健壮的。名词意思是适合;匹配;合身;发作。例句 1、The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child.腰带、和服和其他衣服都是儿童款的。2、She was being fitted for her。


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