
huoguang2024-09-23 10:32391 阅读76 赞


持证人: Certificate holder 姓名: Name 性别: Sex 出生日期: Date of birth 国籍: Nationality 身份证件号: ID Number 申请结婚,经审查符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》关于结婚的规定,准予登记,发给此证。Application for Marriage After reviewing, the marriage application conforms to the requirement 。



Article 19 Husband and wife may come to an agreement whether the property incurred during the existence of marriage or prior to marriage to be owned by each party, to be jointly owned or partially owned by each party and partially owned by both parties. The agreement shall be mad。



效婚姻是指建立婚姻关系的双方当事人违反婚姻法的有关规定,The effect marriage means the establishment of the marriage relationship between the parties in violation of the relevant provisions of marriage law,不履行法定的结婚登记Do not fulfill the statutory marriage registration程序而建立的婚姻关系,这种婚姻。



marriage certificate 或marriage license 希望对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢 1.The proposed marriage is found to conform with the provisions of Marriage Law of the PRC, the couple is allowed to register and issued marriage certificates.结婚申请符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,予以登记,发给此。


The Law of Marriage of the PRC stipulates: the both parties of the marriage must present themselves to the marriage registration authority to take the marriage registration. These meet the regulation of this law, could be registered and offered marriage certificate, and set up the 。


The marriage law stipulated that, the male and female both sides voluntary divorce, permits the divorce.The marriage registration institution verifies both sides is truly voluntary and to the children and the property question already when has suitable processing, issues to the marriage 。

自愿结婚,经审查符合中华人民共和国婚姻法关于结婚的 规定,发给此证的。

自愿结婚,经审查符合中华人民共和国婚姻法关于结婚的 规定,发给此证的英语怎么写规定拼写如下:Voluntary marriage, the marriage law of the people's Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of the marriage law, issue this card 。


结婚证英文翻译样本 THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (English Translation)XXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and。

帮忙翻译一下 日语



2. 婚姻法的非官方译解 本文提供了一个非官方的翻译,深入解读了伊朗关于结婚、离婚、医学适应性以及婚姻障碍的法律规定。3. 已被废除的婚姻法条款 值得注意的是,本文中提及的部分条款已经作废,例如禁止近亲联姻,如直系血亲和旁系血亲的婚姻关系。4. 收养关系与婚姻成立 在收养关系中,特定条件可能。


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